July 2024
As a volunteer at Volunteer Team Behind Bluesfest (VTBB) (Ottawa Bluesfest/ CityFolk), you are required to follow all expectations as outlined in the Volunteer Code of Conduct below and on our volunteer website, volunteers.ottawabluesfest.ca/homepage-cf. Together, we can all be part of an experience that is fun, safe, respectful, and fair for all volunteers.
Please consult VTBB Volunteer Services staff prior to any action or statement which might significantly affect or obligate the festival. This might include: statements to the press or on social media, coalition or lobbying efforts with other organizations, and any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations.
As a volunteer with the VTBB (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk), you are a representative of the festivals when you are on festival grounds, at a festival event, and/or wearing clothing identifying you as a VTBB volunteer. We (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) reserve the right to revoke on-site volunteer privileges without notice, or to prevent individuals from participating in future VTBB-related events if any of the following behaviours are observed while representing the festival:
- Checking in to the site and not reporting for a scheduled shift;
- Unreported or excessive absences;
- Repeated tardiness.
- Failure to be effective at assigned tasks;
- Inappropriate behaviour or negative attitude;
- Unnecessary use of cell phone while on duty;
- Smoking while on duty.
- Inappropriate behaviours, requests or language directed towards artists, staff, contractors, patrons, volunteers, before, during or after the festival;
- Insubordination (the act of willfully disobeying your superior);
- Breach of confidentiality;
- Theft of any kind (e.g. financial, property, etc.);
- Destruction of festival property or damage to any part of the festival site;
- Engaging in self-promotion of any kind;
- Harassment, in any form (see “VTBB Volunteer Harassment Policy”).
- Possession and/or use of drugs and/or illegal substances;
- Consumption of alcohol or intoxication while on shift;
- Consumption of recreational cannabis or intoxication while on shift;
- Underage drinking and/or consumption of cannabis;
- Excessive intoxication while attending a free show.
- Any other reason deemed applicable by Volunteer Services.
The Team Behind Bluesfest (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) reserves the right not to discuss details of a dismissal with the volunteer in question. Once a volunteer is dismissed, they must hand in their accreditation (wristband, lanyard, volunteer t-shirt, name-tag) and leave the property immediately.
As stated in the VTBB Volunteer Code of Conduct, as part of our Zero Tolerance policy, harassment in any form will not be tolerated and can lead to dismissal from the festival.
We (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) are committed to preventing harassment by providing all volunteers with a common understanding of appropriate and expected behaviour. We are all responsible for supporting initiatives to maintain a respectful festival environment.
Harassment is a form of misconduct/improper behaviour that is directed at, is offensive to, and is not welcomed by the victim, and which the harasser ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome and cause offence or harm.
This includes discriminatory harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) which is to harass an individual based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination, which are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, Gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, disability, or conviction of an offence for which a pardon has been granted.
Any person who feels that they have experienced harassment while volunteering with the Team Behind Bluesfest (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) can access some or all of the following measures:
- immediately inform the harasser that their behaviour is unwelcome and unwanted. Do so before witnesses, if possible;
- seek support from your Area Leader, Supervisor, or other advisor such as onsite staff or TOERSA security supervisor, to help address the situation;
- use informal conflict resolution techniques when possible can help resolve the situation to the satisfaction of all parties;
- document details of the incident in writing, including as much detail as possible (date and time, contact information of involved parties, actions leading up to the event, witness information, location, etc.), you can choose to submit to your Area Leader, Volunteer Services staff (volunteers@cityfolkfestival.com) or the onsite Admin Office.
If you have experienced harassment you may choose to file a formal written complaint against your harasser to Volunteer Services management (volunteers@cityfolkfestival.com). We request that formal complaints be submitted within two weeks of the incident. All complaints are kept confidential.
All formal written complaints will be reviewed by an internal committee to determine if an investigation is warranted. In the case of the complaint involving a minor, the parent or guardian of the minor will be informed.
1. You understand that in order to access volunteer opportunities with the Volunteer Team Behind Bluesfest (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk), you must meet the age requirement for this activity by September 11, 2024.
2. You understand that by registering as a volunteer for the Volunteer Team Behind Bluesfest (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk), you agree to provide your own valid, personal email address (i.e. no employer emails), and to receive email communication from us (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) with festival information such as reminders, updates, and shift confirmation & cancellation notices.
3. You understand and recognize that your participation as a volunteer involves potential risks. You hereby agree to accept such risks and to waive any rights to make a claim against the festival (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk), save and except in the case of the negligence of the festival (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk).
4. You hereby personally undertake to act responsibly and in a safe manner at all times, and hereby agree to indemnify the festival (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) and The Team Behind Bluesfest employees, volunteers and all partners from any claims or damages caused as a result of your negligence while acting as a volunteer.
5. We will be following provincial health guidelines that are in place at the time of the festival per our Attendee Health Policy to be released closer to the festival date. You understand and agree to comply with all health and safety recommendations such as wearing additional protective equipment assigned to you (reflective vest, gloves, etc.); frequent and thorough hand washing/sanitizing; any additional health and safety requests.
6. You understand that photography and videography may be utilized during the planning, promotion and execution of the festival (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk). By volunteering with us (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) and the Volunteer Team Behind Bluesfest (VTBB), you grant permission to (Ottawa Bluesfest / CityFolk) to use your likeness, voice, and words in television, radio, film, or in any other format for volunteer appreciation, promotion, or recruitment.
7. If you are a youth volunteer (ages 14-17), you understand that you must print off a Parental Permission Form (accessible online at volunteers.ottawabluesfest.ca/training-cityfolk closer to the event) and return it to us, completed and signed by your parent or legal guardian, when you check in for your first shift at CityFolk. You will not be permitted to attend any shifts until you have done so.
8. If you are a volunteer Supervisor, you acknowledge that as a Supervisor at CityFolk, you may have access to the personal information of volunteers on your team. You understand that this information is to be used solely for the purpose of festival communication and volunteer management and will not be shared with any other individuals or organizations. We expect that you will not send emails to solicit business, recruit for other organizations or festivals, or send individual or mass communications that are not CityFolk-related.
9. You agree not to share information about CityFolk volunteers with any third party, including other volunteers. This includes but is not limited to the following:
a) any volunteer’s personal data (e.g. contact information, medical conditions, date of birth, etc.);
b) information about any volunteer’s scheduled shifts, including whether or not they are onsite;
c) the activity in which a volunteer is registered;
d) a volunteer’s status with the organization (e.g. Blocked, Early Bird, Internal Notes, etc.)